Colloque international : Maternal Sacrifice in Jewish Culture

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Le CERMOM en collaboration avec l'Université Ca' Foscari de Venise a le plaisir de vous convier au colloque international intitulé :

Maternal Sacrifice in Jewish Culture
Rethinking Sacrifice from a Maternal Perspective in Religion, Art, and Culture

Du 19 au 21 novembre 2019
Salle 4.24 (le 19)
Auditorium (les 20 et 21)
65 rue des Grands Moulins
75013 Paris


Le colloque vise à explorer de nouvelles approches du sacrifice maternel comme rituel, récit et métaphore dans la cadre de la culture juive. Repensant l'opposition établie par Nancy Jay entre sacrifice et accouchement dans ce qu'elle définit comme le « remède pour être né d'une femme », le colloque se développe autour des possibles relectures de la notion du sacrifice en tant que rituel, récit, ou métaphore à travers le prisme du maternel.

The phrase “maternal sacrifice” combines two complex terms entangled in an even more complex dynamic. First of all, “sacrifice”, a word whose definitions have been considered inadequate to describe the multiformity of practices and meanings it evokes as a ritual, as a narrative, and as a metaphor. James Watts distinguishes between “narrative traditions about killing people”, oriented towards an evaluation of killing and murder, and “the ritual killing of animals”, focused on the social functions of ritual and religion (Watts 2011, 8). To those categories a third level can be added that is related to the metaphorical use of the notion of sacrifice as the act of giving up something in order to attain a higher goal.

Secondly, “maternal” is another word that could arouse the same skepticism, were it not for what Samira Kawans describes as a recent “body of scholarship that simultaneously insists on the particularity and specificity of motherhood while at the same time rejecting any notion of a fixed or essential aspect of maternal experience, desire, or subjectivity.” (Kawans 2011, 972) Moreover, the ambiguity of this phrase resides in the possibility of reading it both as an objective and subjective genitive. The expression can then lead to the exploration of the sacrifice performed by the mother on several objects, including herself, or performed by others on the mother or the potential mother, i.e. matricide or the sacrifice of the virgin-daughter. These two perspectives can be then developed with respect to sacrifice as a ritual, as a narrative, and as a metaphor.

Rethinking Nancy Jay’s opposition between sacrifice and childbirth in what she defines a “remedy for having been born of woman”, the conference aims to explore new approaches to the maternal sacrifice as a ritual, as a narrative, and as a metaphor in the context of jewish culture.

Intervenant.e.s :
Ilaria Briata, Universität Hamburg
Corrado Martone, Università di Torino
Roni Henig, New York University
Hamutal Tsamir, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva
Ranen Omer-Sherman, University of Louisville, Kentucky
Roni Henig, New York University
Alessandro Guetta,CERMOM, INALCO, Paris
Daniel Felipe Niño López, Universidad De La Salle, Bogota
Liliane Vana, , IEJ, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Shana Schick, University of Haifa
Dalia Marx, Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem
Isabella Scortegagna, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia
Elena Hoffenberg, International School, University of Haifa
Leni Dothan, artist
Mor Presiado, Bar-Ilan University
Raffaele Esposito, Università L’Orientale, Napoli
Nourit Melcer-Padon, Hadassah College Jerusalem
Anna Lissa, CERMOM, Université Paris 8
Mara W. Cohen Ioannides, D.S., Missouri State University
Charlyn Marie Ingwerson, Drury University
Bat-Zion Eraqi Klorman, The Open University of Israel

Organisateur.e.s :
Elisa Carandina, CERMOM, INALCO,
Piero Capelli, Università Ca’ Foscari

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Inalco - Auditorium et Salle 4.24

65, Rue des Grands Moulins 75013 PARIS

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